Opinion | Harris ain’t Worthy!

2 min readFeb 6, 2021

Joe Biden’s vice-presidential pick was the most significant mistake he made in his presidential campaign in a strong field.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.”

-Martin Luther King

During the Democratic national debate in March 2020 then-presidential candidate, Joe Biden declared that his VC pick would be a woman. A few months later several prominent black activists and leaders wrote an open letter to Biden encouraging him to pick a black woman as his running mate leading Mr.Biden to name Kamala Harris as his running mate.

As soon as Mr. Biden made his announcement, Harris’ nomination was conflated with the election of President Obama in 2016. If we were to draw the distinctions, we would find that President Obama’s two presidential campaigns did not showcase his skin colour or his gender but rather his leadership, integrity and his wit making him an ideal candidate to be the president of America. To put the difference mildly, Obama was chosen as president(twice) despite his skin colour and his ancestry, whereas Harris was nominated solely because of it. In other words, the second most powerful person in the world was chosen to satisfy the liberal lust for diversity and not because she was exceptional or better than most prominent democrats in any way.

This is one of those instances where identity politics and liberal desire for equality of outcome results in corrupt governance. Everything liberals celebrate and rejoice over today flies in the face of what MLK believed in. Watching interviews of President Biden has convinced me that he is nowhere as smart or witty as Obama and lacks the basic integrity required to make hard decisions. We have voted into power a reaction-seeking populist president who is craving attention and praise from the masses like a schoolchild from his teacher. The decisions taken by our President today are less likely to be his own and more likely to be the ones that can gain him the maximum applause from his liberal crowd.

Liberals who were supposed to negate race are making a conscious effort to see race and decrease people’s identities down to their colour. Thanks to this, even those of us who view unlikely to identify people by their race are forced to think and see the world in terms of race and doubt the motives of those who are in power and claim to be helping build a better society by dividing it into racial lines.




“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”